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Q: How did slave trade begin in America?
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How did the Antarctic slave trade begin?

There is no Antarctic slave trade, nor has there ever been such.

Where was the stop of the slave trade?

Who stopped the slave tradethe slave trade sropped in America. And then abollished in England and Pakistan. I think

When did trade begin?

The slave trade in America began in August 1619, when a Dutch privateer dropped anchor on the coasts of Virginia, landing and selling twenty "black servants" to the local dwellers.

What trade rout that included Africa America and Europe?

The slave trade

The slave trade began in the 1500s primarily to provide labor for?

Slavery and a slave trade DID NOT begin in the 1500s it was the norm since prehistory.

When was Britain involved in slave trade?

Captain John Hawkins started the British slave trade in 1562. It came to America in 1619. The British got out of the slave trade in 1807.

Why was America important to the slave trade story?

they were mean to them

What goods traveled from America in the slave trade?


Where did the slave trade begin?

It started in Africa in the 15 and 1600's.

Where did the opposition to African slave trade begin?

doctor david livingstone

Did the Atlantic slave trade begin in South Africa?

No, it was from the western countries.

Where did the opposition to slave trade begin?

it began in early America with Abraham Lincoln