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the major way of making a living in the middle colonies and southern colonies is crops.

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they became planters and exported crops and/or sold slaves! I am assuming you meant the southern American colonies. The southern areas grew crops and sold the raw materials for profit.

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They made a living by buying and selling, slaves, indiogo, tobacco, plantations.

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{| |- | Pretty much the same way they do today. There were farmers and builders, tradesman and craftsman of all types. There were shops, doctors' offices and newspapers. |}

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Q: How did people make a living in the southern colonies and why?
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How did the people living in the Southern Colonies make a living?

some people would be plantation owners and own slaves and make them work the crops and other stuff. or they would be a black smith making weapons for the militia or tailors making clothesand by onwing land

What was the reasons why the Southern colonies were founded?

The early settlers settled in the southern colonies since there many riches associated with these colonies. One of the man cash crops in the area was tobacco and the settlers came here for economic gains.

What was Leisure time in southern colonies?

Leisure time in the colonies was ether reading or writing. Back in the old days they did not play they would clean the house or make soap help there mom make an quilt, etc..

How did the southern colony make a living?

The Southern Colonies made a living by growing cash crops like tobacco and indigo and by using slaves for cheap labor. In the south they used the plantation system in which many of the plantations were self-sufficient.

What were the major differences between the southern and New England colonies by the middle 18th century?

The Northern colonies were largely Puritan Separatists and very religious. Although religious was practiced in the Southern Colonies, many people were pious and devoted to religion. Instead, they never focused on gaining wealth. The South was mostly entirely agricultural and a large part of the What_were_some_of_the_differences_between_the_northern_and_southern_colonieswas African slaves, which were introduced in 1619. Tobacco became the main export and the basis of the early Southern economy. In the Northern colonies, farming was carried out on a much smaller scale and usually provided for just the family. If you are plagiarizing this the teacher will figure this out because of this sentence. If you are smart you'll notice this.The economy of the New England, Northern, colonies was based on forest and rivers for the most part while the economy of the Southern colonies was based solely on farming.These are just some of the similarities and differences on the colonies, for their differing natures began after they were fully settled and functioning as part of the world. The motives of the people beginning a new life for themselves were very similar between the two regions. They also plagiarized like I am doing right now. People What_were_some_of_the_differences_between_the_northern_and_southern_coloniesto the New England colonies were, for the most part, not going to practice their own religion without the constraints of the Anglican Church of England. However, many of the people of the South were fortune-seeking economist's prayed not to establish an opportunity for other people and make money).Read more: What_were_some_of_the_differences_between_the_northern_and_southern_colonies

Related questions

How did the southern colonies people make a living?

by farming and selling the produce

What were the natural resources of the Southern Colonies and how did most people make a living?

They would Make a living by growing cash crops.

Was it easier to make a living in farming in southern colonies?

Southern colonies of what? Re-ask the question with the missing information.

How do you think mot people in the southern colonies made a living?

The southern colonies were agricultural and had very little industrial growth. Later, in 1860 this will make the difference in the outcome of the civil war.

How did most people earn a living in the southern colonies?

Farming and agriculture! Whenever you hear the words "southern colonies," you should automatically make the connection that they were made up of rural and agricultural-based communities.

What were the reasons why the southern colonies were found?

The southern colonies were founded because it was discovered that these colonies were rich in Natural Resources. People thought that the southern colonies would make them rich.

How did the colonies make their living?

they became planters and exported crops and/or sold slaves! I am assuming you meant the southern American colonies. The southern areas grew crops and sold the raw materials for profit.

What were the main colonies that make up the southern colonies?

to make money

Why would people move away from the southern colonies?

because they had lots of room they also had lots of trees they can make stuff out of then sell.

The different ways in which people in the middle colonies make a living are?

being stupid

Did they have slaves in the southern colonies?

Slavery was banned for about thirty years in the 1700s but yes there was slavery when agrilcultuere became a popular way to make a living.

What did they southern colonies make?

People. The male and female colonials had intercourse, inducing birth, which in turn, resulted in more people