She escaped and then came back to help 300 people escape through the Underground Railroad as a conductor.
Frederick Douglass, Malcolm X and Harriet Tubman started the Abolition Movement
1849-Harriet Tubman's master dies
Harriet Tubman was sad and beat a lot.
Gertie Tubman was Harriet Tubman's Adopted daughter.
=== === Harriet Tubman parents died because they were really sick that how they died, ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
Or Harriet Tubman Helped the African Americans get freed
She escaped and then came back to help 300 people escape through the Underground Railroad as a conductor.
she helped
American Revolution
Yes She Was !
Harriet Tubman received maps through helpers of the freedom movement. Underground groups in the freedom movement also helped provide maps for Harriet Tubman to assist in helping slaves escape.
William Lloyd Garrison, Harriet Tubman, and Federick Douglass. William Lloyd Garrison, Harriet Tubman, and Federick Douglass.
At the Harriet Tubman store.
She was the leader of the abolisionist movement because she started the underground railroad, so people trusted hariiet.
wat was harriet Tubman resolutionwat was harriet Tubman resolutionwat was harriet Tubman resolution
harriet Tubman Fredrick duglass
Harriet Tubman, but to be clear, the Underground Railroad is not underground and it is not a real railroad.