It was harvested by hand- by plucking the pod of cotton fiber from the plant. Extremely hard work.
Back in the way back days, slaves did. HMMM! I was not a slave & I picked cotton on a Mississippi plantation!
Cotton had to be picked by hand and the invention of the cotton gin allowed for more cotton to be processed. Cotton is a versatile material and can be used by many industries especially textile and clothes.
Cotton, Tobacco and sugar
The cotten gin was used for making it easier on the slaves to pick out all the seeds in the cotten so the cotten picked out all the seeds
Whitney's cotton gin created an easy way to pick the seed from the cotton. Once this was possible cotton became a cash crop and it was necessary to be picked far more to keep up with the ability to de-seed it. This in turn led to the need of more people (slaves) to pick the cotton.
Cotton is currently picked by machine. They used to have slaves pick the cotton in the south by hand. You seem to have forgotton the people (both white & black) that picked cotton after the slaves & before the cotton picking machines.
I Never Picked Cotton was created in 1969.
During the Civil War, there WAS no machinery to pick cotton- it was picked by hand. The machine that was used to separate the cotton fiber from the seeds was the Cotton Gin (as in engine).
No - the Southern adjective "cotton-picking" is just used as emphasis, as in "wait just a cotton-picking minute!" Everyone in the South picked cotton when it was time to sell it, not just black people.
Back in the way back days, slaves did. HMMM! I was not a slave & I picked cotton on a Mississippi plantation!
Most cotton now is picked by machinery.
Cotton is picked in Autumn. There is a Nov 1 deadline to have all the cotton picked so it can be plowed under to prevent cotton weevils . If it rains while the cotton is being picked it yellows the bolls and the value of the cotton goes down. You use a cotton picker and a module builder to do this.
Cotton had to be picked by hand and the invention of the cotton gin allowed for more cotton to be processed. Cotton is a versatile material and can be used by many industries especially textile and clothes.
Many NFL players' ancestors picked cotton, hence the Cotton Bowl
Once a cotton boll is picked, it is typically sent to a gin where the seeds are removed and the cotton fiber is cleaned and processed. The cotton fiber is then used to create a wide range of products such as clothing, towels, bed sheets, and much more.
Cotton is not '''made''' by a machine. It is grown on a plant mainly in the southern united states. The "cotton balls" are picked, then cleaned. Next they are combed into fibres that are twisted into thread. The thread is then used in clothing and other items.
They picked cotton by hand. Hand picking was the only option until the 1950's when cotton picking machine was developed. Eli Whitney patented the cotton gin on March 14 1794 to remove the seeds and pods from the picked cotton