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The Lowcountry became more willing to share political power with the Upcountry

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Q: How did cotton affect relations between the up country and low country?
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How did the cotton gin affect the country?

there waS TOO MUCH OIL

Did the cotton gin affect the country?

there waS TOO MUCH OIL

How did the invention of the cotton gin ultimately affect the North South relations?

The cotton gin increased production of cotton exponentially in the south. Which increased the economy in the south greatly. The south then began to increase in the number of slaves so they could produce even more cotton. The south was more wealthy then the north and it increased slave trade even more. The cotton gin made relations with north and the south even more tense.

Which country is rich in cotton?

Every country with a sub-tropical climate where cotton grows, is rich in cotton.

How did the invention of the cotton gin affect the south?

The cotton gin increased production of cotton exponentially in the south. Which increased the economy in the south greatly. The south then began to increase in the number of slaves so they could produce even more cotton. The south was more wealthy then the north and it increased slave trade even more. The cotton gin made relations with north and the south even more tense.

How did their dependent on cotton affect the Logan family?

Let the circle be unbroken how did theireceive dependence on cotton affect the logan family

Who was the first country to grow cotton?

The first country to cultivate cotton was India where cotton was known for more than 6000 years ago.

What country made cotton?

I think cotton is made in America.

How might the rise of cotton prduction and slavery affect Southern society?

Cotton quickly became the country's biggest export. The cotton-growers put on airs of being a noble aristocracy, discouraging their sons from going into manufacturing or business, and distancing themselves even more from the slaves who worked for them.

How does manufactoring of synthetic fiber affect the cotton farmers?

When synthetic fibers are sold in place of cotton, then the cotton farmers suffer.

When was Country Hai East Cotton created?

Country Hai East Cotton was created on 2011-04-04.

How was the cotton important to the south's relationships with other nations?

As the US cotton industry developed, other countries became more dependent on cotton produced in the American South. The power of cotton allowed the Confederacy to employ cotton diplomacy as its foundation for foreign relations during the Civil War.Cotton was a highly desirable commodity. Until the South became a major cotton producer, Egypt was the main cotton producing country. Cotton was expensive in Europe until the South gained the ability to produce it cheaply. This allowed them to develop trade relationships with other countries. Southern cotton allowed cotton to be affordable to other classes besides the wealthy in Europe.