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Q: How did Oliver Otis Howard help freed people in the south?
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Related questions

Who were slaves in the South freed by?

the slaves in the south were freed by the Emancipation Proclamation.

How did the south get help with its thousands of freed slaves?

South got help with its thouands of freed slaves by the Freedman's Bureau.

Who was freed by the emancipation proclamation in which region?

Slaves in the U.S. south were freed by the Emancipation Proclamation.

Number of slaves freed in the south?

almost 4 million slaves been freed

What was gideon's band during the civil war?

People who came South from the North to build schools for freed blacks.

Why was it so hard for the slaves to make it after they were freed?

Even after the slaves were freed racism is still out there. Even in today's society people still tend to be very racist. That is more commonly found in the south.

What is the name of old oliver school in south bend Indiana?

It was , Oliver School. I went there. We were the "Oliver Owls"

Why was it sad for the south when Lincoln was killed?

Because he was the one that freed the slaves from the south

Why was the Proclamation significant?

It freed all slaves in the south.

How many people were slaves?

A.millions all down south were slaves. Some were slaves all their life, others escaped or were freed.

Who are the generals in Chancellorsville?

Joe Hooker, Oliver Howard, Albert Pleasonton, Darius Crouch, Ambrose Burnside for the north. Robert E Lee, Stonewall Jackson, Jeb Stuart, Jubal Early for the south.

Could the south have survived if they had freed the slaves?

The south is still there even though there is no slavery.