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Q: How did Lincoln react to grants victory at the Battle of Shiloh?
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What is grants victory th at sealed the fate of Vicksburg in 1863?

The Battle of Champion's Hill

How did the Battle of Shiloh change grants thinking about his military plans?

Mindful of the experience made at the battle of Shiloh, Grant never more neglected of making his battle line covered by field fortification. Even during the attacking phases of a battle, the advancing units were ordered to entrench in the best possible way the ground they gradually would conquer, thus preventing them from being driven back by an enemy counterattack and from suffering excessive losses during the fighting.

Why was Grants victory at Vicksburg was important?

Victory at Vicksburg secured control of the Mississippi Valley for the Union.

Why is grants pass called grants pass?

It was named in honor of General Ulysses S. Grant's victory at Vicksburg

What caused Major General Henry W. Halleck to take over General Grant's army after the Battle of Shiloh?

General Halleck was General US Grants superior officer at the time of the Battle of Shiloh. Grant's failure to entrench his army upon landing at Pittsburg Landing was a major error that could have caused a Federal defeat. Halleck was infuriated and took control of Grant's army and led it to Corinth, Mississippi.

Who were Ulysses grants friends?

one of his friends was Abraham Lincoln

Who was Ulysses s grants rolemodel?

Abraham lincoln was his rolemodel

What caused Union General Halleck to be so cautious after the victory at Shiloh?

Union General Halleck was cautious after the Union victory at Shiloh because of the near defeat of Grants army. Afterwards it took his forces of over 100,000 men more than a month to cover the 30 miles between Shiloh and Corinth. This was due to the fact he insisted on marching only 1/2 a day. The army spent the rest of the day digging entrenchments to defend against any Confederate attacks. Halleck was much too conservative as any enemy armies were far outnumbered and too weakened to launch any offensives against Halleck.

Which battle was not part of Ulysses a grants drive to the south that began in 1864?

The battle of Lookout mountain

What battlefield event damaged Ulysses S. Grants rising military reputation?

The near-disaster at Shiloh in Tennessee, April 6-7, 1862,when he was caught off-guard, and his whole army nearly pushed into the Tennessee River. They rallied just in time, then reinforcements arrived, and the enemy commander Albert S. Johnson was killed. The battle was then hailed as an important Union victory but critized in the press. THe uniion lost over 13,000 men; the Confederates about 10,700.

What battlefield event damage Ulysses s. grants rising military reputation?

The near-disaster at Shiloh in Tennessee, April 6-7, 1862,when he was caught off-guard, and his whole army nearly pushed into the Tennessee River. They rallied just in time, then reinforcements arrived, and the enemy commander Albert S. Johnson was killed. The battle was then hailed as an important Union victory but critized in the press. THe uniion lost over 13,000 men; the Confederates about 10,700.

What battlefield event damaged Ulysses s grants rising military reputations?

The near-disaster at Shiloh in Tennessee, April 6-7, 1862,when he was caught off-guard, and his whole army nearly pushed into the Tennessee River. They rallied just in time, then reinforcements arrived, and the enemy commander Albert S. Johnson was killed. The battle was then hailed as an important Union victory but critized in the press. THe uniion lost over 13,000 men; the Confederates about 10,700.