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Henry Clay hoped that his American System would aid American businesses, encourage people to buy American products and enable the United States to become independent of Europe. The system included tariffs that would make European goods more expensive, thus encouraging people to buy American made products. Next, was the establishment of a national bank to make a single currency that would make trade easier. The system also included a plan to make the road and canals more navigable to improve the marketing of products.
who is the first man that was American that help the pilgrims ? who is the first man that was American that help the pilgrims ?
New Orleans and Fort Henry.
No, B/c American has help on world.
Clay's proposal was based on the belief that a protective tariff that helped industry would eventually help every section of the country. The factories protected by the tariff would run at a profit and employ the urban population.
He helped Because Henry Ford asked him to invent a battery for the model T Ford
he sold cars on layaway, and at a very cheap price. He made the automobile affordable to the average American.
Suck my mother phucking ballz you god dam mongoloid..
uses our energy in a more efficient way
yes, and it was Henry Ford
That's not even a complete sentence. Should be ," Did Henry Ford do science? and the answer is I don't know. Try looking on Google.com or Bing for the answer :) Sorry I couldn't help!
He sold cars on layaway
he helped fight the american revolution and help win our independance
He had the help of Harold C. Wills in designing a 26 horsepower engine in October of 1901. This was one basis on which the Henry Ford Motor Company was formed.
He wanted to rally up colonists against the British
Yes, in 1903, with several partners, he formed the http://www.answers.com/topic/ford-motor-company. In 1908 he designed the Model.
NO Henry Ford did not help make Oldsmobiles. Oldsmobiles were first manufactured by the Olds Motor Vehicle Company in Lansing, Michigan, a company founded by Ransom E. Olds in 1897. General Motors purchased the company in 1908.