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They found out that other producing countries such as India

and other

countries sold cheaper cotton.

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Q: How did European countries react to the shortage of cotton during the Civil War?
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What increased the demand for cotton?

The mechanical looms created during the Industrial Revolution required high volumes of fibers to make the investment in machinery pay off, and, the cotton gin allowed for higher volumes of cotton to be processed at one time. Previously, it was slow and had been done by hand.

Which six states contains nearly all the major cotton production areas of the South in 1860?

Mississippi was the center of cotton production during the 1800s. Other countries that produced cotton are Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas.

Why did king cotton prove useless for the south?

The south had produced bumper crops of cotton for the three years before the Civil War began. Warehouses in France and England were bulging with raw cotton, so there was no immediate shortage to idle mills and workers. Cotton continued to be exported by blockade runners during the war on a much smaller scale. The south would have been far better off had farmers stopped planting cotton and started growing food.

How was cotton important to the south's relationships with other nations?

As the US cotton industry developed, other countries became more dependent on cotton produced in the American South. The power of cotton allowed the Confederacy to employ cotton diplomacy as its foundation for foreign relations during the Civil War.Cotton was a highly desirable commodity. Until the South became a major cotton producer, Egypt was the main cotton producing country. Cotton was expensive in Europe until the South gained the ability to produce it cheaply. This allowed them to develop trade relationships with other countries. Southern cotton allowed cotton to be affordable to other classes besides the wealthy in Europe.

Why did the value of cotton grow?

During the Civil War the value of cotton grew because of the term Cotton Diplomacy. Basically the South threatened to not ship cotton to Great Britain and France if they did not help the South win the war. This failed horribly because the South was not the main shippers of cotton for Great Britain or France and both countries had eliminated slavery already so it was against their laws to help the south.

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What were some opportunity costs in the south during the civil war?

At the beginning, they could have imported weapons in exchange for their plentiful cotton. But they decided to hoard their cotton for a time, to make the world feel the shortage of it. Yet it was in a year when there was a surplus of cotton on the world markets, and other countries were not begging the Confederacy for cotton, as they had hoped. By the time they decided to release their cotton for export, the Northern blockade was in place, and the South could only import goods via the blockade-runners.

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because people were cowards during the war

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The countries that were independent durning the European Colonization in Africa was Liberia and Ethiopia

How May cotton textile industry in Karachi be affected by July floods in Punjab?

During July floods the supply of cotton becomes relativly low thus cotton being the raw material for textile mills causes a shortage of production for mills.

Is it possible for a European country to remain neutral during European conflict?

Yes. A number of European countries are neutral and were neutral during conflicts such as World War II. Ireland, Sweden and Switzerland are three such countries, and there are others.

How did European countries react to cotton shortages created by the US Civil War?

During the US Civil War, the Union blockade prevented some cotton to not arrive in Europe. Cotton crops became available in Egypt for the most part. Privateers, however often slipped past Union blockaders and cotton did reach Europe, however, the supplies were never assured.

Who were countries that were your enemies during world war 2?

European countries vs Asia and Africa .

What European countries sided with the us during the cold war?

my bum

What were the sources of conflict between european countries during the 19th and 20th century?

Some of the sources of conflict between European countries during the 19th and 20th centuries included space, resources, and ideology.

Why was US concerned about European countries regaining their colonies during Monroe Doctrine?

The US was concerned about the European countries regaining their colonies during the Monroe Doctrine because they don't want to be dethroned as the world's superpower.

What continent was divided amongst european countries?

North and South America were both split amongst European countries during the First Age of Imperialism. During the Second Age of Imperialism, Africa and most of Asia were split amongst European countries. Australia was fully a British territory. Antarctica is currently partially claimed by 7 countries (3 of which are European), but in the future, a fourth (Russia) may claim land as well.