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Q: Dominant postwar American attitudes and the major movements of the 1920's?
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What was the dominant postwar American attitudes and the major movements of the 1920's?

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What are dominated postwar American attitudes and the major movements of the 1920's?


What best describes the America's postwar attitudes?

Americans were concerned about the Communist takeover of Russia in 1917.

What was one effect of the GI bills on American society in the postwar era?

more people were able to attend college

Use postwar in a sentence?

The army had a postwar celebration.

Who was the American leader who presided over postwar japan?

MacArthur helped shape the postwar economy of Japan. The Japanese even named their constitution the MacArthur Constitution. He helped lead Japan into a democratic government and helped restabilize the economy.

What groups were left out of the New Deal?

Those of "color" were left out of the new deal. The African American citizens were left out of the new deal and segregation laws continued to pass.

What best explains the rise of a new youth culture in the postwar years?

The rise of a new youth culture in the postwar years can be attributed to factors such as increased access to education, economic prosperity, and changes in social norms and values. With more leisure time and disposable income, young people had the opportunity to express themselves through fashion, music, and social activities, leading to the development of distinct youth subcultures. Additionally, influences from global events and cultural movements played a role in shaping the attitudes and behaviors of the younger generation during this period.

What has the author Laura Blanciforti written?

Laura Blanciforti has written: 'U.S. consumer behavior over the postwar period' -- subject(s): Mathematical models, Consumption (Economics), Demand (Economic theory), Attitudes, Consumers

Postwar in a sentence?

During the postwar period, there was little food.

For the American Colonist the postwar years following the conclusion of the seven years was could be characterized as what?

apathetic about colonial-British relations.

What has the author Allen Yarnell written?

Allen Yarnell has written: 'The postwar epoch: perspectives on American history since 1945' -- subject(s): Social conditions, Addresses, essays, lectures, History 'The postwar epoch: perspectives on American history since 1945' -- subject(s): Addresses, essays, lectures, History