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Yes, but there is no tribal land or reservations there.

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Q: Do any Indians still live in Georgia?
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India is the country where the majority of Indians live.

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Many of the Indians of the desert southwest lived in adobe structures. I doubt any lived in teepees. Teepees were used by people who were nomadic, such as the plains Indians.

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Yes, a marriage is legal if you are married in Jamaica and live in Georgia. Any marriage is legal as long as the proper paperwork was filed with the court.

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Indians live a life like any other person does. They do however eat from the wild and live in homes that are hand built.

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The Sioux nation had many different languages, but yes, there are still people who can speak them

What age is still considered a Minor in Georgia.?

In Georgia, a minor is considered to be any individual under the age of 18.

How did the compact of 1802 affect georgia?

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What name did the Cleveland Indians use after 1995?

In 1915, the Cleveland Lake Shores changed their name to the Cleveland Indians. As of 2014, they are still the Cleveland Indians. There was no name change at any time in the 1990's.

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Yes you may.

Are any Tolowa Indians still alive?

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