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In some places yes. The Northern states allowed blacks a free life. In the South it was considered "illegal" for blacks to learn or write.

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Q: Did the slaves during the civil war were allowed learn and write?
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What did house slaves do when they had free time in the American Civil War?

During the Civil War, slaves worked harder, as many of the normal farm workers were away fighting in the war. Some slave followed their owners into the army as body servants. All these slaves had very little free time, to do anything other than the normal essential activities, except on Sunday. Slaves were often allowed to attend religious services on Sunday. Nothing much else. Slave were not allowed to learn to read, for example. Gossiping and chatting, were some of the few activities they could do with their little free time. Other than that, they rested.

What was the education like in the north during the civil war?

the education wasn't good it sucked because the slaves couldn't read or write they had to learn by them selfs and if the slave owners found out that they were being learned they would get beat

Where slaves allowed to learn read and write like Phillis Whitley?

No not at the time she was learning how to read and write.

What were the advantages of the union forces during the civil war?

to learn

Did harriet know how to read and write?

No, she did not learn how to read or write because none of the slaves were allowed to be taught in case they used it for communication to escape.

Which part of America were the slaves sold to?

Slaves were bought from tribes people from within Africa and sold to slave traders that cam and went on that coast. These slaves were bought into many harbors in America, primarily in the Southern States to be bought as workers in the cotton fields and other various minial jobs.Two interesting points that I learn recently. Free Black Individuals were allowed (and did indeed) to own slaves in the south. Abe Lincoln never lived to see the end of slavery. He died shortly after the civil war ended. Slavery was not made illegal until the December after his death. The end of the civil war did not end slavery either.The slaves in northern states (yes, there were slaves states in the north during the war!) remained slaves after the war ended. Did you also know that there were black soldiers in the south during the war fighting against the north? The issue was a states rights issue.

Did saves got educations?

It was illegal for slaves to be educated. However, many slaves found ways to become educated without their masters knowing. Some masters were kind, to some degree, and allowed their slaves to learn. Those slaves taught other slaves.

A slave is forbidden to learn?

It depends on what time period and location you mean. Some were encouraged to do so.A slave was allowed to learn as much as his master needed him to know.Giving slaves too much education was discouraged, as uneducated slaves were easier to control.

How did laws against teaching slaves to read and write make a difference after the civil war?

They made literacy tests an easy way to prevent freed slaves from voting...apex

What was the condition the African slaves was in?

they were in horrible condition. they lived in shacks, were beaten, wipped, and were treated worst than the dogs. They were not allowed to learn how to read or write.

What was a result of pre-Civil War laws that made it illegal for slaves to learn to read?

Made it easier to enforce a literacy test requirement for voting

The result of pre-Civil War laws that made it illegal for slaves to learn to read?

made it easier to enforce a literacy test requirement for voting