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They sold their own people for slavery.

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Who is THEY? Africa isn’t a country but a continent— tell them truth — whites bought slaves and created the marketplace — that’s the issue.

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Q: Did the people in Africa sell or trade their own people for slavery?
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How were the west Africa kingdoms involved in the slavery trade?

the west Africa used to sell their people into slavery to get guns the leader were involved and they neglected agriculture

Why did the rulers of Africa sell their own people into slavery?

The rulers of Africa sold their own people into slavery because for some of the rulers, the money they got was more important that the people. By selling people into slavery they could also reduce the number of people they had to care for and increase the resources available to care for those that remained.

Why do people call the slave trade the triangular trade?

The slave trade was called the triangular trade because it involved three routes: from Europe to Africa to trade goods for slaves, from Africa to the Americas to sell the slaves and buy goods like sugar and tobacco, and then from the Americas back to Europe. This triangular route formed the basis of the trade network.

Was there slavery in Brazil?

Yes there was slavery in Brazil. When the Portuguese found Brazil and when they started farming they used to get people from Africa and sell them to farmer as slaves. That is also why Brazil has people with darker skin. ( Sorry if this offends anyone).

Which North African people found a way across the Sahara and began trade with West Africa?

the us 2 buy and sell and trade there object

What does outlawing slavery mean?

Outlawing slavery means making it illegal to own, buy, sell, or trade people as property. It prohibits the practice of forced labor and exploitation of individuals.

Why did the rules of Africa sell their own people into slavery?

The African rulers sold their own people into slavery primarily for profit and to gain power. They may have also participated in the slave trade due to intertribal conflicts, expansion of empires, or to secure trade relationships with European powers.

What did England sell to Africa during the slave trade?

Slaves from Africa to America, Cotton and Sugar from America to Europe, Textiles and manufactured goods to Africa.

How do people sell and trade in chembakolli?

they go to a market and sell there crops

Who usually captued the africans who were sold in the Atlantic slave trade?

Many tribes fought each other, so they would capture people from the other tribe and sell them into slavery. This is not something new in history. In war people have been taken and sold into slavery for centuries. The Greeks used pirates to sell slaves around the ancient world and so did the Romans.

How long had slavery existed in Africa before the 1400s?

It was the African tribes who used to fight each other and sell their own "unwanted" members of their tribes. This was the earliest form of "Slavery".

Why was Africa the place for slaves?

Europeans sought slaves from Africa due to the existing slave trade networks, high demand for labor in the Americas, and perceived physical ability of Africans. Additionally, African rulers and traders participated in the slave trade, exchanging captives for goods. This led to the transatlantic slave trade, with millions of Africans forcibly taken to the Americas.