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No. Slavery ended in Mississippi when the 13th Amendment to the US Constitution became law, December 6, 1865.

The Mississippi State Constitution of 1868 banned slavery:

'Sec. 19. There shall be neither slavery nor involuntary servitude in this State, otherwise than in the punishment of crime, whereof the party shall have been duly convicted.'

The internet rumor that slavery was legal until 1995 in Mississippi is false.

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Q: Did slavery end in 1995 in Mississippi?
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Mississippi did not outlaw slavery until 1995. No that is not a typo.

When was slavery abolished in Mississippi?

Mississippi became the last state in the United States to abolish slavery in 1995.

In what year was slavery abolished in Mississippi?

The official abolition was in 1833.In 1995, the state legislature symbolically ratified the Thirteenth Amendment.However the paperwork was not submitted to the Federal government. This was discovered by a professor who watched the movie Lincoln at the end of 2012, and he ensured that in 2013 the paperwork was finally completed, so the official abolishing of slavery by the state Mississippi was in 2013.

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Mississippi ratified the amendment in 1995, but because the state never officially notified the US Archivist, the ratification is not official.

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