In the 'old days', most western sites had outhouses. Eastern towns were more 'developed', but it was still the communal '2 or 3 seater' outhouse in most towns! Outhouses have an overwhelming odor in the summers. Plus, flies congregated at and inside outhouses. Winters there was less odor, but sitting on cold wood was not pleasant. So if men urinated around the bar, it was likely a more pleasant 'going' that going to the outhouse. However, I doubt bar owners would have been too happy with the odor, so I doubt this story is true in most taverns or saloons (bars). Plus, most taverns were also inns-- lodging along the stage coach route, which means passengers included women and children. So public urination wouldn't have been tolerated most places.
The question is not clear. Is it a certificate for a silver bar? Or a bar of silver? Post new question.
Dicky's was established originally in 1880. They still have the original back bar too.
beacuse they wanted to settle there duh xD
The "Practice of Law" is regulated by each state, normally, through a "Bar Association" chartered and regulated by the Supreme Court of that state. In essence the US Government does not regulate the practice of law, only states can; you must be a member in good standing of the state bar in order to apply for the 'american bar' association.
because he created the hershey bar,kisses,and the hershey school
In the old days, men used to urinate everywhere, because there weren't enough sanitarian facilities.
In the days before plumbing inebriated bar patrons (which were men only at the time) would urinate on the floor. This is described in Dicken's Bleak House.
A screw is an incline plane wrapped around a bar.
No sadly there is not, but there is a candy bar called "Wonka Bar." (Its like a crunch bar)
you could do a bar chart on what types of crisps people like or on which days it rains.
a karaoke bar .... is a BAR. . .you drink,and there is a bar table... and a karaoke club is similar..but its not really so hard core as a bar
I remember those days the are a whopping 10bucks now days
You must apply to the bar within 90 days
No, he was an employee at a local watseka bar during his basketball days.
Not enough these days
bar inside a house around a house