A farmer named Benjamin Gaannet.
Benjamin Ganett
April 7th, 1785
i believe he does have a family but no sites i have been on can tell me anything about Henry Sampson's family life. there is hardly any information about him.
Henry T. Sampson was an African American inventor born in Jackson, Mississippi in 1934. He has not died yet, he is still alive and well.
Deborah Sampson was from Middlebrough Massachusetts
a bio about deborah sampson
Gennet is Deborah Sampson's maiden name
Deborah sampson wanted freedom
Deborah Sampson was a black woman.
Yes, and no. Deborah Sampson s her maiden name, Debroah Gannet is her married name.
I only know one person that was influential to Deborah Sampson and that was Miss.Fuller. She was the only women to be nice to Deborah. I knew that because I have to do a report on Deborah Sampson.
Some of Deborah Sampson's hobbies were hunting and riding horses
Deborah Sampson was a blue coat for America.
Deborah Sampson enlisted in the Continental Army as Robert Shurtleff.
No, It Was Deborah Sampson
Deborah Sampson Gannet liked to go hunting and ride horses.