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Q: Compare and contras attitudes in the union and the confederacy about enlisting African American soldiers?
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Did the union and the confederacy both use African American soldiers?

The confederacy used some, but mostly in menial and support jobs. The Union had many more black soldiers, and many of them were fighting soldiers. Moreover, the (white) commander of the first black regiment had forced the Government to put black soldiers on equal pay with the white soldiers.

Why was it difficult for America to raise an army?

Because they had trouble enlisting soldiers and raising money .

How did people of rome become a soldier?

Men of Rome became soldiers by enlisting in the army.

How many Confederate soldiers served in the American Civil War?

Due to missing records, an accurate accounting of the number who served for the Confederacy is not available. Estimates are that between 700,00 and 1,250,000 Confederate soldiers served in the American Civil War.

Did any slaves enlist in the confederacy?

Slaves worked in the confederate army in a support capacity however the powers that be resisted the actual enlstment of African American slaves as soldiers in combat positions until the confederacy was well into it dying breath when in In February 1865, the Confederate Congress, finally, passed an act that allowed black enlistments. Immediately, Virginia started enlisting slaves to fight for the Confederacy.There are however very few records of the service of black combat troops serving the south.

How many are in Civil War?

I you mean soldiers: Confederacy - 1,064,000 soldiers Union - 2,200,000 soldiers

How many soldiers were wounded for the Confederacy?


Why then did the confederacy win many early battles?

I think it was because the Confederacy had more soldiers and better weapon's

What color uniforms did confederacy soldiers wear?

They wore Gray.

The confederacy surrendered how many soldiers when Vicksburg surrendered?


Is the confederacy the one who was cavalry?

No, both sides had cavalry soldiers.

Who would the Confederacy not use as soldiers?

The confederacy would not use slaves as soldiers because they were afraid they would defect to the north. So they were made to dig trenches and the like during the war.