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early 1830s

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Q: Alexis de Tocqueville traveled around the US during the?
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What is the most important thing that Alexis De Tocqueville did?

Alexis De Tocqueville was a French philosopher who lived during the early 1800s. He made many contributions to philosophy and sociology, but his most important achievement was to write a book called 'Democracy in America.' It deeply influenced the direction of French government.

Which French writer philosopher and social scientist that toured the US during the 1830s and produced one of the first foreign analyses of your newly formed nation Democracy in America?

Alexis de Tocqueville is the French writer, philosopher, and social scientist who toured the US during the 1830s and produced "Democracy in America," one of the first foreign analyses of the newly formed nation. Tocqueville's observations on American society, politics, and democracy remain influential to this day.

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Well dinosaurs lived during the time of Pangaea so I think they traveled around there.

What is the rating on Tocqueville?

The rating of Tocqueville is 2 out of 23. Based on the ratings of customers, the average rating of the restaurant is 3/5 stars. During it's 10th year in business however, it has managed to receive a 5/5. These ranks were last updated in February 2013.

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Alexis Gosselin was called Sassy during the first couple of seasons of the show because many of the kids were unable to pronounce Alexis. She is also known as the most rambunctious of the six, so she was called Sassy.

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They traveled on horse I think