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No. Gifts or donations to any individual taxpayer is never deductible on your 1040 income tax return.

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Q: You would like to give someone in need a cash gift can you claim it on your taxes at the end of the year as a chairtable gift?
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Can i make money by having someone claim me on my taxes?

No, in fact in most instances you would lose out on benefits

Can your daughter claim her taxes when you claim her as a dependent?

I would yes

Can I claim my kids if I didn't work?

Unfortunately no. You would have to had worked in the year 2008 to file taxes. In order to claim your children you would have to work and file taxes.

Do you need permission from someone to claim them as a dependent on your taxes?

Unlikely as they would usually be minors or disabled. You do need to prove that you provided more than 50% of their care and upkeep.

How many allowances can you claim on your taxes without being penalized?

One would think that you could claim as many allowances as are legitimate.

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Can your nieces dad claim her even though she lives with you full time?

There are some very clear worksheets in the instructions for filing taxes to determine whether or not you can claim someone. My initial guess would be that you get to claim her and her dad does not, but if after completing the worksheet you have any doubts you should consult a tax preparation specialist or lawyer.

Your son is 18 can you still claim him?

Can you claim him on your taxes? If you live in the US, yes, you can, if he's a full-time student and would be considered your dependant.

Why would a taxpayer file a tax return if not required to do so?

To claim a refund of taxes paid.

Where can one go submit an accidents claim?

The place that someone would go submit an accident claim is based on the claim and the company. If it is an auto claim and someone has AAA insurance, they can file a claim on the website or call an agent.

If your mother lives on your property and pays your taxes on agreement can they claim homesteading and possess the property?

No because you own the property and you would be the that one that should be paying the property taxes.

Can person who does not know about a reward claim it?

A person who does not know about a reward cannot claim it for the simple fact that they would have no idea they were a winner. If someone informed them of their reward, they would then be able to claim it.