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Advice must be based on who the 'someone' is -- in terms of standing in the organization -- and the evidence included in these communications.

If the board has acted in violation of the governing documents, and 'someone' has presented proof of these violations by way of board meeting minutes, financial statements or photos, you are well warned that your actions could be illegal and you could be liable for damages should the matter appear in a court of law.

Your association counsel is best prepared to advise you as to the legal implications of these communications.

You could attempt to mitigate the issues with a paid intermediary, with half the fee payable by each party. Most courts where HOA actions are filed send parties through mitigation processes in advance of trial anyway, so why not pro-actively establish such a conference.

Understand the elements involved in your 'integrity' and prepare your own evidence. Be specific.

Finally, you may choose to consider it harrassment, in which case you may choose to pursue criminal non-harrassement options. This path, however, will not build community, demonstrate leadership or resolve the issue.

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Q: You are on the Board of your HOA you have someone who sends letters and emails continuously defaming your integrity Is this harassment?
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