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I couldn't see why they would. If your a Marine your needed by the Marines at a Marine Base. If your an Air man you are needed by the Air Force at an Air Force Base. the military could care less if they separate you. It sucks but you have to do what they want you to do when they want you to. If your both in the same branch maybe, but most likely not if you are two completely difrernt branches. Best of Luck

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Q: You are in the marine corp and your fiance is in the air force will you get stationed together if you get married?
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I am 18 and my fiancewho is 19 is joining the army is there anyway we can stay close together?

Well the only way i know of is to move to the place he is stationed for. My coach is getting married and her fiance is a marine who is stationed in Georgia so shes moving up there so she can see him when he gets back instead of having to wait. The other option is to go ahead and get married. Fiance or not, until there's a piece of paper saying you're married, he's considered a single soldier, and won't get housing (single soldiers stay in the barracks), nor anything else to accommodate you. A married soldier, on the other hand, will get either a housing unit or an allowance to pay for rent off-post. At 18, you probably don't have much for job skills anyhow, so it's a bit doubtful you'd be giving up a bright and promising career to move there with him.

What is best marine corps base to be stationed at?

camp pendleton

Where is one third of the Marine Corps operating force stationed?


Where will a marine corps communications officer be stationed?

29 palms California

Who killed Nelson at Trafalgar?

It was a French Marine stationed in the rigging of the Redoubtable.

Is there a marine corp base in rhode island?

No. But there may be a Marine Corps detachment stationed there on another military base.

Boyfriend got you pregnant and his is a married marine what could happen to him?

If they find it out, he will get kicked out. If you want to be together get him to get a divorce asap before they find out. It sucks being pregnant with a married me. (from experience)

Was the marine biologist Carl Chun ever married?

Yes, Carl Chun was married to Margarethe Schmidt. They had several children together.

What did John pitcairn do during the American revolution?

He was a British marine who stationed in Boston, Massachusetts

Husband is not a marine yet but soon will be. I am active duty air force and I have a job that's at EVERY base. I work in finance.Can a marine husband and air force wife be stationed with each other?

It's a dodgy prospect even if you're married and in the same military branch; it's worse if one is a Marine and the other isn't. The military has made great strides since my wife and I (we were both sailors) were married in-service, but the one thing that hasn't changed is that they will not guarantee you will be stationed together, or even anywhere close together, as mission requirements come before family. That's something you sign up for, whether any of us like it or not. In my own case, we were separated for over a year (9 months on different coasts before we were married, 6 months 5 hours apart after) before we were actually stationed at the same base. A friend of mine whose wife was a Seabee was sent to Okinawa for a year - we were stationed in Charleston, S.C. In the end, regardless of what you feel, you need to be completely realistic about the situation; AF detailers would be sympathetic if he was going to be AF, but he's not. You're essentially rolling the dice, and in your case, the odds are stacked pretty heavily against you. I wouldn't say it's hopeless; we've been married almost 30 years, and the first 5 years we were married we were probably apart from each other about 3 of those (deployments, etc.). Still, we're the exception, as most of the people we knew that were married in-service are on their 2nd or 3rd marriages. We knew up front that it was unlikely we'd get stationed together, but we were willing to gamble anyway. As long as you accept that going into the situation, and expect you're going to be stationed apart (which you will be anyway for the first year he's in during training), you'll know what to expect, and can make a decision one way or another based on that.

Where were Navajo code talkers stationed?

The navajo were stationed in 29 nine palms for a while then were transported to the san diego marine corp base during world war two.urah

Where do you stay if you join the marine corps?

It will depend on where the Marine is stationed. Typically they will be in a barracks on a Marine base. They may be in a berthing compartment onboard a ship. In some locations they may have to find their own housing.