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While the TSA focuses on airport security rather than enforcing warrants, it is possible that they may alert law enforcement if they discover a felony warrant during their screening process. However, solely having a felony warrant from another state is not likely to result in detainment by the TSA.

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Q: Will the TSA detain you if you have a felony warrant from another state?
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Will Kentucky come and get you from another state if you have a felony drug warrant?

If they discover where you are, they will have you arrested in that state. Then you will be transported to Kentucky where you will be incarcerated. If you are arrested in the state you are in, your name will be in the system and the county in Kentucky where you have the warrant will be contacted.

Can you stop a governor's warrant to not get extradited to another state?

A Governor's Warrant is another name for an Extradition Warrant. You can choose to fight extradition back to the state that wants you, but it is unlikely you will stop the warrant from being issued.

Is it a crime to own a handgun in fl if you have a misdemeanor battery warrant in another state?

Probably not but check with the state police. Usually you have to have felony to be banned

If you have a felony probation violation warrant in the state of Georgia could you go another county in the same state and not be extradited?

No, a warrant issued by one jurisdiction in Georgia can be served anywhere in the state. BTW: Extradition only applies to out-of-state removals.

What is the maximum that the state of Kentucky can hold a felony warrant?

If you are speaking of them holding a warrant for you but you have, so far, avoided arrest - - they can hold it until the warrant is withdrawn or until the statute of limitations for your particular offense expires (if it does). If you are speaking of being held for extradition by KY for a felony warrant - - they can hold you until the state that issued the warrant comes for you.

If you have a felony warrant in a county will you be arrested if you are stopped in another county?

Question is not clear. If you are asking if YOU can be arrested if YOU have a felony warrant against you in another state, the answer is - yes. However, if you are a L.E.O. and are asking if you can arrest someone in another state whom you know has an outstanding felony warrant against them in your state, then the answer would depend. Under what authority are you exercising your power of arrest? (i.e. - Are you serving an extradition order - or what?) If you are in an off-duty capacity and you just happen to see someone you KNOW is wanted in your state, then your ability to arrest is limited by your lack of jurisdiction. You may have to attempt a "citizen's arrest."

Will new york state extradite you for a felony warrant?

Does new mexico extradite on felony warrants?

If you get a state id can they arrest you at the dmv if i have a felony warrant?

In Alabama, yes. Also, Alabama will not issue any type of ID with an active warrant from any state.

Under the state action doctrine analysis a convicted felon who is not allowed to purchase or possess firearms is lined up to purchase may he be detain by off duty police?

Not a lawyer, but I am going with YES on this one. A convicted felon attempting to purchase a firearm is attempting to commit another felony. Police officers- on or off duty, may generally detain a person that commits a felony in their presence.

How long does it take for a felony warrant to expire in TN?

It depends on the local and state laws, and depends on the crime. Some felony crimes have no statue of limitation so the warrant would never expire.

If you are on felony probation in the state of tn and if a probation home search do they still have to have a search warrant?
