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There was conflict between Confucian scholars and Emperor Qin because they believed different things. The Emperor executed 460 scholars because they went against him.

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Q: Why was there a conflict between confucian scholars and the emperor?
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What caused conflict between Qin Shi Huangdi and Confucian scholars?

The conflict between Qin Shihuangdi and the Confucian scholars was brought on by a scholar criticizing Qin Shihuangdi at a royal banquet, and the emperor's trusted advisor reporting the incident back to the emperor.

Why was there a conflict between Confucian and the emperor?

A Confucian scholar criticized the emperor.( Chin )

What group did emperor Qin's dynasty persecute?

Confucian Scholars

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Emperor Liu Bang incorporated the teachings and ideas of Confucius into his government. There were Confucian Scholars in his government to help with his decisions.

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In ancient China, the balance of forces was characterized by the harmony between the ruling dynasty, the bureaucracy, and the Confucian scholars. The emperor held political power, supported by a meritocratic bureaucracy that administered the empire, while Confucian scholars provided moral guidance and ideological legitimacy. This balance was reinforced through rituals, ceremonies, and cultural norms that emphasized social order and stability.

How did the role of Confucian scholars change under the Han Dynasty?

During the Song dynasty, Confucian thinkers blended Buddhism and Dadaism into Confucianism. As a result , Confucianism had broadened its outlook lol this is Anisha Masih

Why was qin shihuangdi against Confucianism?

Shi Huang considered anything that did not talk about agriculture, medicine, or prophesy useless information. Confucianism texts didn't talk about any of these. He ordered all useless books to be burned. When some Confucian scholars refused to hand over their texts, he ordered them to be executed or buried alive. Shi Huang was very insecure and may have felt threatened by Confucianism.I also have other facts that might be helpful, he executed about 460 Confucian Scholars, the rest were exiled to work on the Great wall.The entire Conflict started at a royal banquet in 213 BC, where a Confucian Scholar criticized the emperor.

Who issued the sacred edict delineating proper Confucian behavior?

The great Chinese Emperor Kangxi issued the edict delineating proper Confucian behavior.

Who was the first Qin Emperor?

Qin Emperor was the first emperor of china who unified all of china's 7 countries and defeated the zhou warring states. Some historians say that he was a tall, handsome, very wise, and very strong. Others say that he appeared to be a little short, beast looking, and very mean in laws. His conquests costed millions of lives, while 460 scholars were killed because of their confucian books. All the confucian books were burned by the emperor. Emperor qin also built the great wall of china as well. It took 10 years to build all of it.

What year did the Thirty Years' War begin in Europe?

In 1618 with a conflict between Bohemia and the emperor.

How were major decisions made in ancient China?

Major decisions in ancient China were typically made by the emperor, who held absolute authority. The emperor would consult with his advisors, scholars, and officials to gather different perspectives on the issue at hand. However, the final decision rested with the emperor, who would take into consideration various factors such as Confucian principles, historical precedents, state interests, and the advice of trusted individuals.