According to some posts, some people thought it was innappropriate because apparently children nowadays are brainless and could not comprehend this was a joke. I LOVE the full version of this commercial....and if you think this commercial is a bad influence for your children maybe you should lock tem up in a closet to shelter them from outside influence......
The Tide Green shirt commercial was changed because it received backlash for allegedly depicting racial insensitivity. The original ad featured a Black woman turning a white man's shirt into a green shirt, and some viewers interpreted it as perpetuating racial stereotypes. In response to the criticism, Tide decided to change the commercial.
Tide commercials are very popular in the United States. The Superbowl held in 2013 showed a tide commercial featuring a stain on a football shirt which resembled the famous football player Joe Montana. Tide paid approximately $4 million dollars to show their commercial during the break.
Jesse Teeters is the actor in the Tide Princess Dress Commercial. source:
the name of the tide commercial is "Family".
Yep! Cassie Steele (Manny Santos in Degrassi) Is in The Tide commercial.
use tide stain stick
Tide pools are just like oceans except with rocks everywhere so the color of the tide pools are blue, but sometimes green because of the algae and green plants.
How about just use a tide stick :D
Cyndi Lauper
The actress' name is Rachelle Wood.
Ana Mulvoy Ten is the girl in the Roll Tide commercial.
sunlight, water energy and wind energy all are green energy sources. now a day produce energy from Tide and low tide of the sea.
It's a tee shirt so could be either depending on the size you buy.