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Ronald Reagan was considered anti-environment because he dismissed and refused to fund EPA desires to reduce acid-rain. He believed he brought a common sense view to environmental issues that was widely shared by Americans.

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Q: Why was the Reagan administration viewed as anti-environmentalist?
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Why was the Reagan administration viewed as anti environmentalist?

Carter had put solar panels on the roof of the White House, but when Reagan came into office he had the panels removed. He also cut back funding for environmental protection and research.

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The Contras was the counterrevolutionary group in Nicaragua that the Reagan administration backed.

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The iran-contra affair occurred during the Reagan administration

Why was the Reagan administration viewed as anti-environmentalists?

Ronald Reagan was considered anti-environment because he dismissed and refused to fund EPA desires to reduce acid-rain. He believed he brought a common sense view to environmental issues that was widely shared by Americans.

Why was the Reagan administration viewed as anti environmental?

I was told that some of the fundamentalists during that era felt that the second coming was soon to happen and thus were not concerned about using up natural resources.

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Incorrect. Middle class taxes were doubled under the Reagan administration.

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The Contras was the counterrevolutionaries backed by Reagan.

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The Reagan administration strengthened our military and lowered taxes and took down the Berlin Wall in Germany yay