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he was afriaid that the Soviet Union would come to china´s aid

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Q: Why was president Truman opposed to delcared war on china?
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What did president Truman opposed to declaring war on china?

he was afraid that the Soviet Union would come to china's aid

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Truman and MacArthur disagreed about what during the Korean war?

because they both wanted to go to El Salvador ( the best country in the world)

Why did president Truman drop the atom bomb on china?

These bombs were dropped over Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan and not in China.

What conflict developed between Truman and MacArthur and how was it settled?

General MacArthur wanted to bomb China and President Truman did not agree. It was settled when the President basically fired General MacArthur.

Who fired general MacArthur for nearly invading China in the Korean War?

President Harry Truman

President Truman sent a fleet of ships to this island in 1949 to protect it from Red China.?

That is Taiwan.

What did President Truman and Douglas MacArthur strongly disagree about during the war in Korea?

President Truman and Douglas MacArthur disagreed about whether or not the US should use nuclear weapons against China. China had said they would support North Korea in the war. Truman relieved MacArthur of his command in 1951.

Why did Truman want an limited war in Korea and what American general opposed that strategy and why?

Gen, Douglas MacArthur opposed a limited war because he sought a successful conclusion of hostilities but Truman , and rightly so , wanted to avoid an all out war with China and North Korea .

In the Korean war when UN forces were driven back what refused to let the commanding general bomb china?

President Truman. General McCarthur requested permission to bomb or nuke china during the Korean War. Truman was furious at this request and denyed it in fear of a major war with china instead of the small one they were having. McCarthur was then releived of his duties i beleive.

President Truman sent a fleet of ships to this island in 1949 to protect it from Red China?

That is Taiwan.

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Why was President Truman against declaring war on China during the Korean War