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He was upset because they had just won the 1st real, (Antietam was claimed as a victory, but was really a draw), undoubted victory, but instead of following Lee & mercilessly doing every thing that he could to destroy the Army of Virginia while it was far from home, he let them go without any real pursuit. It lengthened the war by years, it is very possible that had Meade been more ruthless, the war could have been over in months, instead of the 2 more years it took.

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Q: Why was Lincoln unhappy with Meade after Gettysburg?
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Who was the unions commander during the Gettysburg battle?

Major General George G. Meade was in command of the Union forces at the Battle of Gettysburg.

Why was Lincoln upset with general meade?

President Lincoln was frustrated with George Meade because of his failure to pursue Lee's army after the Battle of Gettysburg. This move could have possibly ended the war had Lee's army been completely destroyed. By allowing him to escape, Meade also allowed the fighting to continue.

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Because Meade could have pursued and destroyed Lee's army. Lincoln criticised him heavily for failing in this.

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George Meade

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George Gordon Meade