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Many have given their lives or sacrificed limbs- so that you wouldn't have to.

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Q: Why should we appreciate all of the great work they do and sacrifices they make?
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Why should children make sacrifices?

Children should not be expected to make sacrifices that compromise their well-being or development. It is important for adults to support and protect children so that they can grow and thrive in a safe and nurturing environment. Sacrifices should not be imposed on children, but rather adults should prioritize their welfare and best interests.

Why does every decision involve tradeoffs?

because evryone has to make sacrifices.

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What sacrifices did Ruth make in the Bible?

Ruth made great sacrifices, like even though she was young and a widow , she went with her mother back to Isareal from Moab.She left her family and country people behind.

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It depends how old and responsible you are and if you have the right time. Would your family or friends appreciate this?

Should an 11 year old pick out her clothes for school?

Yes, but have a parent make sure it is appreciate.

Should a college student come home for Mom's birthday?

Yes. Your mother birthed you. Come home to show her how much you care. The (hopefully untold) sacrifices that you will make to be there will absolutely pale in comparison to the sacrifices she has made for you.

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what sacrifices did chris hani have to do during apartheid

Why does every decision involve trade offs?

because everyone has to make sacrifices

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Where did Hebrews make animal sacrifices?

on a mountian

Why people make sacrifices for others?