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The root word of fourteen is the number 4 spelled four.

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Q: Why isn't 14 spelled forteen?
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How do you spell forteen?

The correct spelling is fourteen (14).

Which is correct fourteen or forteen?

The correct way to spell the number 14 is 'fourteen'.

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The correct spelling for 14 is fourteen. Oddly, the correct spelling for 40 is forty. Go figure.

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If you mean fourteen times twenty six then it is: 14*26 = 364 by means of a calculator

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Four and ten more; twice seven., The sum of ten and four; forteen units or objects., A symbol representing fourteen, as 14 or xiv.

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you spelled invisability wrong and there isnt a way, its just a glitch. Really, the answer is by luck.

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The correct spelling is fourteen.

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How do you spell the number forteen?

The correct spelling is "fourteen".