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Everything thing on the planet is interconnected .All of us know that we are connected to the wildlife through a cycle called food cycle and if one of the member in this cycle is affected the other will also be affected.

Human for his benefit had started interfering with the environment which is not correct.

Our ancestors also used to hunt animals but they used to take care of one thing whether it is a young animal or an old if it was old then only they used to hunt him. They never hunted a young animal because they knew that would one day lead to the extinction of that animal.

We always think about ourselves which is our nature and if we interlink all the points we will find that danger to wildlife is danger to human being himself. If we want to save future generation then we should and must look after the wildlife and conserve it.

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Importance for Wildlife Conservation
* Maintains ecological balance & the organisms have their unique positions in food chains, food webs which keep ecological balance.
* Wild life contributes to the maintenance of material cycles such as carbon and nitrogen cycles.
* For improvement and progress in agriculture, animal husbandry and fisheries the genes from wild life preserved as gene bank are utilised in breeding programmes.
* Wild life provides a number of useful products like food, medicine, honey, lac, wax, resin, etc.
* Colourful birds, insects, beautiful flowers, trees make environment beautiful.
* Nature... (Indescribable)
Food, pets, traditional medicines
Anthropologists believe that the Stone Age peoples and hunter-gatherers relied on wildlife, both plant and animal, for their food. In fact, some species may have been hunted to extinction by early human hunters. Today, hunting, fishing, or gathering wildlife is still a significant food source in some parts of the world. In other areas, hunting and non-commercial fishing are mainly seen as a sport or recreation,
Many Amazon species, including peccaries, agoutis, turtles, turtle eggs, anacondas, armadillos, etc., are sold primarily as food. Others in these informal markets, such as monkeys and parrots, are destined for the pet trade, often smuggled into the United States

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