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Because if they dont they cant make good choices

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They don't necessarily, but all bills can be vetoed by the President. This is part of the checks and balances system

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Q: Why is it important for the president and congress to work together?
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Why is it important that the President and Congress work together-?

It is important that the President and Congress work together because without them working together they cant make good decisions, because what they both do involves each other, and they have to work together to make a good decision. The president has to work with Congress, like Congress has to work with the president. It is important that the President and Congress work together because without them working together they cant make good decisions, because what they both do involves each other, and they have to work together to make a good decision. The president has to work with Congress, like Congress has to work with the president.

Why is it important for the president and congress work together?

Because if they dont they cant make good choices

Why is it important that president and Congress work together in resolving governmental issues?

so that there isn't a house divided and a house divided is no house at all. Also he or she has to have permission.

Why does the president pick his cabinet members and not congress?

Because the cabinet and the president personally work together on a regular basis, so cooperation is ensured if the president has the authority in this instance.

How does polarization in Congress lead to increased use of executive orders?

If Congress can not pass anything controversial due to polarization, the President is tempted to rule by executive order.

Does the President give his objections upon vetoing a bill?

He does. The idea was for the Congress to take the bill back, make it palatable to the president and send it back up, but that was for the era when Congress and the President were thought to work together. In the 21st Century, Congress and the President are often at war with each other; if they can't get a bill signed they normally just let it die.

Who is job is it to make job bills for people to worK the congress or the President of the US?

Only Congress can pass bills into law. However, the President can propose laws and work with Congress to get them passed..

What role does the congress have in checking presidential abuse of power?

Congress has the right to approve or disapprove items in the president's budget request. The Senate has the right to approve or disapprove the president's appointments. Congress has the right to impeach and convict the President or Fire the President. Thus, congress has a lot of power. The founding fathers at the Constitutional Convention assumed that congress and not the President would take the leading role in the Federal Government. However, the inability of the politicians in Congress to work together made that original vision impossible. Thus, the president holds much of the power he holds by default. Just because Congress has not been able to get its act together for 220 years does not mean that will forever be the case.

What was the significance of the Albany Congress?

"The colonist realize how important it was for them to work together"

Who said Congress in its committee rooms is Congress at work?

President Woodrow Wilson is the person who said that when Congress in its committee rooms is Congress at work. It means that most of the work Congress does is done through committees.

How does the president balance the power of Congress?

He divides them into different parts that are called branches then they all have to work together and there has to be a vote that all of them agree on if they want to change something.

When does Congress get any important work done'?

They work when they are in session.