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Q: Why is being a governor good preparation for the presidency?
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Did George W. Bush do a good job at being Governor of Texas?

As a Texan, George W. Bush did an excellent job as Governor of Texas and an Outstanding job in the Presidency! Look at Obama now. Lots of promises, doing nothing! Eve

What is a good sentence for the word governor?

Being a governor is AA very intersting job.

When did Mike Huckabee become Governor of Arkansas?

Our good friend, and fellow Christian, Mike Huckabee, became sworn into the office of Governor, First Class, in the year of our lord, nineteen hundred and ninety six. He served for a good nine years before trying to run for the presidency.

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The waiting list for WHAT? Your pizza being delivered? Being admitted to Cal Tech? Being elected governor? Good questions equal good answers.

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Why the conc h2so4 cant be used in preparation oh h2s?

h2so4 being good oxidising agent oxidises the h2s to h2o and free conc h2so4 cant be used in preparation of h2s gas

What nickname was given to James Monroe presidency?

James Monroe's presidency had the nickname "the era of good feelings". Hoped that helped!

Use the word preparation in a sentence?

Proper preparation is key to success in any endeavor.

Why should you need good preparation for exam?

To get a good result!

What nickname was given to Monroe's presidency?

James Monroe's presidency had the nickname "the era of good feelings". Hoped that helped!

What was the name for monroes presidency?

The era of good feelings

Why is good preparation in lab investigations?

good preparation is good for lab investigations as there are toxic gases in the labs hence someone should know well on the apparatus to use to take precise action