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Q: Why is Lincoln's House Divided speech deductive?
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What year was Abraham Lincoln's House Divided Speech made?

In 1858

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What does the house divided speech by Lincoln mean?

the separation of the North and South of the U.S.

What are some of Abraham Lincoln's famous speeches?

One of Abraham Lincoln's most famous speeches is his second inaugural address. Another was, of course, the Gettysburg Address. An earlier speech of note is his House Divided against itself cannot stand.

What did Lincoln house divided speech mean?

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What is Abraham Lincoln's famous speech?

His most well know was the Gettysburg Address. Another is A House Divided.

What does the next part of the Abraham Lincoln Troadshow look like?

March 10,1846:Their second Edward was born on that day. February 1,1850:Lincolns son Edward died from pulmonary tuberculosis on that day.He was only three years old. December 21,1850:Their third son Willie was born on that day. January 17,1851:Lincolns father Thomas died on that day.At that time he was 73 years old. April 4,1853:Lincolns fourth son Tad was born on that day. 1856:Lincoln helped to create the Republican Party in Illinois. June 16,1858:Lincoln delivered his A House Divided speech on that day.

What does the 14th part of the Abraham Lincoln Troadshow look like?

June 16,1858:Lincoln delivered his A House Divided speech.

Is it true that President Lincolns son was embalmed in the White House?


When did Abraham Lincoln say a house divided against itself cannot stand?

Yes, called the 'House Divided speech', it was given by him in June 1858, in Illinois after he accepted the nomination for senator.

What is a famous speech by a politician?

"I Have A Dream" by M.L.King , "A House Divided" and "The Gettysburg Address" by Abraham Lincoln , "This was their finest hour" by Winston Churchill ,

What was Lincolns main objective while in white house?

to end the civil war.