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Foreigners could not vote becuase they were not allowed to, due to the fact that they were not 'white men'

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Q: Why foreigners could not vote in 1901?
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Could foreigners vote in ancient Athens?

Foreigners were not allowed to vote in ancient Athens.

What groups in Australia's society could not vote in 1901?

Women, Asians or natives.

What three groups of people could not be citizens in ancient Greece?

Well if your talking about Athens the Capital of Ancient Greece - Women, criminals and slaves couldn't vote but in Sparta Women could.

What is the the relationship between citizenship and the right to vote?

In most countries only the citizens have the right to vote, foreigners are excluded.

What is the relationship between citizenship and the right to vote?

In most countries only the citizens have the right to vote, foreigners are excluded.

Can foreigners become citizens and be allowed to vote in ancient Athens?

Not uless they are men

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It was a Chinese peasant uprising of 1899/1901 to drive all foreigners out of China

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What group did not have the right to vote in ancient Greece?

Everyone but male citizens - women, foreigners, slaves.

Which privilege is extended to citizens but denied to aliens?

The privilege that is extended to citizens but denied to foreigners is the right to vote

Why wasn't the greece's democracy fair?

Greek democracy was not fair because under it, only free males who owned land were granted citizenship. Women, foreigners, and slaves were not citizens and therefore could not vote.

Who could not vote in Rome?

Only the men that were rich could vote, women could not vote.