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Several reasons are likely: -Logistically it would be difficult with such large populations. -It would be much easier to corrupt or circumvent such a system. -People are largely sheep, and would not always vote for the best candidate. -Those in power are not likely to give up the reins of power to a situation not easily, or effectively controlled.

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Q: Why don't modern states practice direct democracy like old Greeks?
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What is the difference is a democracy different from a Representative democracy?

Citizens elect leaders who vote on the issues in a representative democracy, and citizens vote on the issues in a direct democracy. A representative democracy is modern, and a direct democracy is ancient. A representative democracy works better in large groups, and a direct democracy works better in small groups. Citizens' desires are ignored in a representative democracy, and citizens' desires have a better chance of being heard in a direct democracy

What are two similarities between modern U.S and ancient Greece?

We both have the Olympics (Ancient Greeks made it)We both have democracy (Ancient Greeks made this as well)

What is the main way a representative democracy differs from a direct democracy?

In a representative democracy, citizens elect representatives to make decisions on their behalf, while in a direct democracy, citizens participate directly in decision-making processes, such as through voting on laws and policies themselves. Representative democracies often have a system of elected officials who represent the people's interests, compared to direct democracies where citizens have a more immediate role in governance.

How is athenian democracy similar to democracy?

It was not - it was direct democracy where the citizens met in fortnightly assembly and decided on issues which the council implemented. Modern democracy is representative democracy, where elected representatives carry out the functions of governance.

Did ancient greeks invent the modern democracy?

Yes the Greeks invented democracy, but it's not democracy in a sense of how people think of it today. Even though people were essentially "free", only a limited group of people counted under the democratic system and that group was a very small minority.

What is an example of a direct democracy in modern day Canada?

An example of a direct democracy in modern day Canada is a local referendum where residents directly vote on issues or decisions that directly affect their community. For instance, some municipalities in Canada have employed direct democracy through referendums for deciding on matters such as infrastructure projects, zoning regulations, or changes in local bylaws.

How is modern democracy influenced by ancient Greece?

We learnt the their model of direct democracy did not work. The gullible people were led astray by demagogues which led to great loss for the people. Our modern representative democracy, for all it's faults, puts a space between poor or self-interested leadership and impulsive action by the people.

Is direct democracy commonly used?

Yes, direct democracy is very common. It is almost never seen in modern government, as it is extremely inefficient, but it is very common in small groups when making decisions.

Did the Greeks style of government have an effect on your modern government?

Yes, because the Greeks had many styles of governments like Monarchy and Oligarchy and Democracy. In the US we have Monarchy which was ruled by 1 person and Democracy which was ruled by citizens and citizens are aloud to vote. We have democracy because of the voting and we have the Monarchy for the 1 ruler.

Explain the influences of the Greeks and Hammurabi on the development of your democracy?

The Greeks contributed to democracy through concepts like citizen participation, rule of law, and assemblies. Hammurabi's Code influenced modern legal systems with its establishment of laws and punishments, setting a precedent for justice and order. Both cultures played a role in shaping the foundations of democracy through their ideas and systems of governance.

Where did the idea of democracy first develop?

The history of "Democracy" started thousands of years ago in Greece, it was used to determine a rule the country with opinions of others, other countries like Canada, has adapted in the concept of Democracy.