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Why? Because of the VERY spooky music (I'm not scared of it) and the zooming V. The V looks as if it is running after and wants to hop past whoever sees it.

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Q: Why does the Viacom logo V of doom give people nightmares?
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Well, to some people it will and to others it won't. If you are young and scared easily, it will scare you and give you god aweful nightmares. Some adults are scared by it as well.

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you go to scary stories for beginners and find stories that wont give you nightmares. Good luck i get nightmares 2:)

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i have to give it to doc doom. batman is pretty good but props to doom the guy who can take on the fantastic 4 on a regular basis

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the remake of friday the 13th gave me nightmares. so did jaws. insidious kept me up at night. and martyrs was freaky