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In many countries where the leader of the government is not the head of state, they have to go to someone to dissolve the government and parliament and call another election.

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Q: Why does the Prime Minister talk to governor general before calling election?
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Who appoints the prime minister in Australia?

The prime minister is chosen by colleagues at a post election Cabinet meeting where most portfolios are decided.

Is a governor election a primary election?

governor's have TWO elections to get elected,primary AND general

Who is the governor general of Canada and what date was the election set for?

The current Governor General of Canada is Her Excellency the Right Honourable Michaëlle Jean.The Governor General is not elected; rather, the Governor General was appointed by Her Majesty the Queen on the advice of the Right Honourable Paul Martin (the 21st prime minister) on 27 September 2005.

What is the role of governer general?

According to the Constitution, the Governor-General is the Queen's official representative in Australia. The Constitution gives the Governor-General a number of very significant powers. She can summon and prorogue (suspend) parliament; she can appoint ministers; she is commander-in-chief of the armed forces, she can issue writes for an election - either of the House of Representatives, or, in special circumstances, both Houses of Parliament. As part of her power to appoint ministers, the Governor-General appoints the Prime Minister and the other members of the Cabinet. Although the Constitution gives the Governor-General all of these powers, she is expected not to exercise them except when "advised" (in reality ordered) to, by the Prime Minister. For example, the Governor-General will not call an election unless the Prime Minister advises her to. When one Prime Minister loses the election, he will advise her to appoint a new Prime Minister, who is, except in very rare circumstances, the leader of the party with majority support in the House of Representatives. This is because the Prime Minister has a democratic mandate as the leader of a political party in Parliament, while the Governor-General is not part of Parliament and is not elected by anybody. The Governor-General will only intervene in politics (for example, to sack the Prime Minister) if there is some sort of crisis in government. The one time when a Governor-General used his own initiative to sack a Prime Minister was in November 1975, and the dismissal of Gough Whitlam. This action was hugely controversial both then and now. In practice, the Governor-General simply approves the actions that the Prime Minister and her other Ministers recommend. She spends most of her time attending official functions - eg. the opening of new schools, awards ceremonies, etc. -Charles

Who is Australia's Prime minister and Governor General?

In 2011, Australia's Prime Minister is Tony Abbott, and the Governor-General is Quentin Bryce.

What is the role of the governor general?

According to the Constitution, the Governor-General is the Queen's official representative in Australia.The Constitution gives the Governor-General a number of very significant powers. She can summon and prorogue (suspend) parliament; she can appoint ministers; she is commander-in-chief of the armed forces, she can issue writes for an election - either of the House of Representatives, or, in special circumstances, both Houses of Parliament.As part of her power to appoint ministers, the Governor-General appoints the Prime Minister and the other members of the Cabinet.Although the Constitution gives the Governor-General all of these powers, she is expected not to exercise them except when "advised" (in reality ordered) to, by the Prime Minister. For example, the Governor-General will not call an election unless the Prime Minister advises her to. When one Prime Minister loses the election, he will advise her to appoint a new Prime Minister, who is, except in very rare circumstances, the leader of the party with majority support in the House of Representatives.This is because the Prime Minister has a democratic mandate as the leader of a political party in Parliament, while the Governor-General is not part of Parliament and is not elected by anybody.The Governor-General will only intervene in politics (for example, to sack the Prime Minister) if there is some sort of crisis in government. The one time when a Governor-General used his own initiative to sack a Prime Minister was in November 1975, and the dismissal of Gough Whitlam. This action was hugely controversial both then and now.In practice, the Governor-General simply approves the actions that the Prime Minister and her other Ministers recommend. She spends most of her time attending official functions - eg. the opening of new schools, awards ceremonies, etc.The Governor General is the representative of the queen in Canada. The Queen's decisions go through her representative and will be the ultimate factor in passing any bills.

Who votes for your governor general?

The Governor General is appointed by the Queen on advice of the Prime Minister and not elected.

What is involved in appointing the governor general?

The appointment of a Governor-General is made by Her Majesty, on the advice of the Prime Minister.

Who decides when an election will be held?

house of representatives and senate-kaylin

How often does canada elect their prime ministers?

The Prime Minister of Canada is not elected. Generally, when a parliamentary election is held, the party which wins the plurality of seats has their party nominated by the Governor General as the first to have a shot at forming the government. Whatever party happens to form the government generally selects their leader as Prime Minister. Then the Governor General appoints that leader as Prime Minister.

What are the responsibilities of the prime minister of the Bahamas?

The governor general represents Canada during State visits abroad and receives Royal visitors, heads of State and foreign ambassadors at Rideau Hall and at the Citadelle of Québec. The governor general is also responsible for appointing a Prime Minister and dissolving parliament either when asked or when no one in the current government is able to govern.

Who appoints the governor general?

ussually the prime minister