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Why do you think it is necessary to do reconciliation for the cash flow from operations?

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Q: Why do you think it is necessary to do a reconciliation for the cash flow from operations?
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What is proof of cash?

Proof of cash is a reconciliation of cash accounts such as petty cash or a checking account. Proof of cash can uncover fraud and small accounting errors.

How is a debit Memorandum the reconciliation process should be?

bank reconciliation balance per cash book . . .less: debit memorendum

Is cash float included in the bank reconciliation statement?

Bank Reconciliation is prepared to know differences between bank book and passbook, when we do the bank reconciliation will get mainly four differences1. cheques deposited in bank account but not...Accountant....or the account's holder it self... accountant just you have to make the balance equal of cash & pass book ie through econciling the transaction by entering into pass book which is not entered in cash book.When the balances of our Cash Book and Pass Book do not agree, we prepare a Bank Reconciliation Statement. A Bank Reconciliation Statement is prepared periodically to reconcile the two balances and..

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Cash from Operations (Sales/Accounts Receiveable) Cash from Loans Cash from Capital Investment/Stock issuance (Equity)

What is bookkepping?

is a process of recording transactions according to Cash Receipts, Cash Payments and Bank Reconciliation as per General Accounting& Auditing Practice.

What Need and importance of bank reconciliation statement?

* Bank reconciliation statement ensures the accuracy of the balances shown by the pass book and cash book. * Bank reconciliation statement provides a check on the accuracy of entries made in both the books. * Bank reconciliation statement helps to detect and rectify any error committed in both the books. * Bank reconciliation statement helps to update the cash book by discovering some entries not yet recorded. * Bank reconciliation statement indicates any undue delay in the collection and clearance of some cheques.

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What is Asset Reconciliation?

Asset Reconcilation means reconcilation of asset, verifying the asset with the available cash.

What is the treatment of post dated checks to bank reconciliation?

debit to cash and credit to accounts receivables

What financial statement would show the amount of cash generated by operations?

The cash flow statement.