It could be to do with fear. Fear of being on your own if/when the relationship ends. Fear of not finding anyone else. Fear of having to create a life on your own. And if you've been single before, then a fear of having to go through all the dating game again. If you've had a long and loving relationship with this person then it could be about wanting someone you trust to lean on - ultimately that person was someone you trusted implicity so it's hard to let go of that habit. You'll find your way through.
You’ll feel it
If they need to know, then go ahead and tell them.
do you feel the need to say "ow!"? if yes... yes if no... no
Basically just 'be there' for them. Let them know they can call you whenever they feel low. Be a good listener - they may rant on-and-on about something you feel is trivial, but they need an 'outlet' for their frustration. Be prepared for them to lose their temper occasionally !
all you need to do is have a good feel around the packet and then you will know
i need to know
people feel the need for drugs because once they start, they are hooked. Once they get "high", they feel the need to get "high" more and more as they do drugs, which sometimes ends up in an 'OD' (over dose/dosage)
What age are you, if your 19 or over you don't need their permission but if you are under should really get their consent.
you feel you are right when you feel confined , beliveing in your self ,and you knew you are right and you DON'T need to ask your self if you feel right that is what i belive in at least.
You got it... When you answer any question you must be breve.... you know is it only ones advices that you have to take for inproving in your life....... :*
i dont know i need the answer NOW PLEASE
Try being polite and letting them know that sometimes you would like to see other friends or just be alone and that you will call them when you feel like having a guest over. If they do not understand what you are saying the nice way then you need to be honest and blunt and tell them that you feel smothered by them wanting to come over so much.