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Because in Middle English the "p" was pronounced, but over time the sound was dropped as the language changed into our Modern English (ex: knight was pronounced "k-ni-cked," night "ni-GH-t", and England "En-go-lond-de").

There are also words imported into English which don't have the sound the "p" is supposed to represent native to the language, so the sound would often be dropped or adapted in some way. Ptolemy is a name whose initial sound (represented by "pt") isn't native to English, so it's simply dropped, since it's a translation from Greek.

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Q: Why do words start with a silent p?
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What are some words with silent letter p?

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What words begin with a silent p?

Some words that begin with a silent 'p' include: psychology, pneumonia, pneumatic, and pseudo.

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Some words that start with a silent "b" include: subtle, thumb, and knob.

Why is there a p in words like pneumonia and pneumatic?

becuase they are silent

Why are PS silent?

In the word "psychology," the "P" is silent because it is derived from the Greek word "psyche." The English language borrowed this word along with its silent "P." In words like "pneumonia" or "psychiatry," the "P" is silent as well, following the same etymological pattern.

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Some words that have a silent "b" at the beginning include subtle, plumber, and doubt.

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