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because it will with "taps" can control how fast they burn, and even temporarily shut down the rocket.

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Q: Why do space rockets liquid fuels?
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What are the fuels used in rockets?

liquid hydrogen

Does rockets use fossil fuels?

Most rockets today use liquid oxygen and liquid hydrogen as fuel, not fossil fuels. These fuels react to produce water vapor and can be considered eco-friendly compared to fossil fuels. However, some rockets still use a combination of liquid oxygen and kerosene as fuel, which is a fossil fuel.

Which natural resource has made manned space exploration possible?

The development of rocket propulsion technology using liquid fuels has been crucial in enabling manned space exploration. Rockets are powered by liquid oxygen and liquid hydrogen, allowing spacecraft to generate the necessary thrust to escape Earth's gravity and travel into space.

What two fuels that rockets use and space shuttles?

Oxygen and hydrogen

Which fuel is used in rockets?

There are two three types of fuel used in rockets 1) Solid fuel - an aluminum powder used for an initial boost into space. 2) Liquid fuel - usually super-cold liquid hydrogen and oxygen is used is the Space Shuttle's main engines during launch. 3) Hypergolic fuel - Monomethylhydrazine and Nitrogen Tetroxide does not need a source of ignition. It is mainly used for maneuvering in space.

What kind of fuel do they use in rockets?

Primarily there are two types of fuels used in most rockets today. The space shuttle, at liftoff, uses both. Solid fuel and liquid fuel. Solid fuel rockets are much like the bottle rockets you can buy in a fireworks store. Once they are lit, the burn all of the fuel available and then burn out. The 2 white rockets on the side of the orange tank holding the space shuttle are Solid Rocket Boosters. The large orange tank that holds the space shuttle is full of liquid full that the shuttle uses as it lifts off into space. That fuel is actually liquid.

Compare the payloads of ancient and modern rockets?

it's the comparison between the fuels used, solid / liquid

What are the 2 disadvantages of liquid fueled rockets?

It takes you to space and its cool

How space shuttle is different from rocket?

becuse rockets are for boming and exblowding an space shuttles are for travel and they also hve differnt fuels

Who concluded that rockets for space flight must be powered by liquid fuel?


What substances is a liquid fuel used in rocket engines?

There are several possibilities. The largest NASA rockets used liquid hydrogen (with liquid oxygen as the oxidizer).Hydrazine is one of the more powerful fuels, but it is dangerous and difficult to handle. Some rockets use a version of kerosene, the same chemical used as jet fuel.Liquid hydrogen. Because it has such i low boiling point, it must be super cooled to liquid form.

What are 2 types of rockets?

There are two basic types of rocket engines, solid fuel and liquid fuel. NASA mostly uses liquid fuel rockets, and model rockets are usually solid fuel. There are two types of solid fuels. Composite and black powder. Composite fuels are lighter and generally have higher thrust than the black powder motors. I hope this answers your question!