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Some people don't understand the issues being discussed. Their only source of perspective is the slanted media and maybe the leftist organization "move on", but that's ok, since there still seem to be intelligent people in the country who have an attention span longer than a sound bite.

It's all a matter of perspective. President Bush has recognized that the best way to protect the nation from terrorists is to give democracy to people in the Middle East. Evil dictators such as Sadam were responsible for a knee-jerk reaction by the religious leaders. Some of the religious leaders blamed the U.S. for the installation of Sadam. After Sadam was removed many of the religious leaders wanted to position themselves into the vacuum and would create a nation that furthered their agenda. If we want more terrorism in THIS nation, all we need do is drop out of the Middle East and let the religious mullahs run the countries.

If you want more terrorist activities in this country, use Michael Moore as your news source. If you want a safe and secure nation, support your president. Remember that all of the Democrats who are now claiming that the President ?lied? were also the ones who UNDER CLINTON, were saying that Sadam HAD TO BE REMOVED FROM POWER. EVERY ONE OF THEM SAID THAT! Of course, now that President Bush is in the White House, they want to raise any issue that might weaken the president making the possibility of another Democrat in the White House more likely.

If you want to talk politics, at least try to be intelligent. Who knows, you might even have an intelligent thought in your head somewhere, but with questions like that one must believe that there is nothing inside your head other than mush.

It's A Constitutional RightThe US Constitution gives every US citizen the right to disagree about matters including politics and political leaders.

People make decisions based on their own experiences and personal feelings, that does not mean they are wrong, uneducated about issues or vindictive towards the party they are expressing their discontent.

The US is a Republic and a democratic society and no one person has the right to tell another what they should or should not believe about any political leader, political party or even the President.

  • But if you go to almost any Q&A site and search for questions about George Bush, you will find that many people are "wrong, uneducated about issues or vindictive".
AnswerWhen he talks in public, he comes across as a muddled thinker, unable to to coherently express himself and when he does, his thinking seems disconnected. There is a whole website devoted to "Bushisms", and it has so many entries that they have subdivided into his mis-speaking by year!


A sample:

"Too many good docs are getting out of the business. Too many OB-GYNs aren't able to practice their love with women all across this country." --George W. Bush, Poplar Bluff, Mo., Sept. 6, 2004"

ANSWERPeople think George Bush is incompetent because his thinking is so simple minded and repetitive. He is conservative in the worst sense: he holds onto recalcitrant views and stubbornly refuses to see any other point of view. He confidently restates his closed mindedness over and over again under the disguise of not wavering. He is, above all, a strong willed guy from Texas, and maybe when your an oil executive that works, but when he rose to become the most powerful man in the world, his one sided thinking quickly got him and the rest of the world in a lot of trouble. He used 9/11 as a cauldron of nationalism, where his strong will was ablaze with fervrent patriotism. The onesided reaction was one of tit for tat. We need to strike back, we need to kill Osama bin Laden. Its natural enough but a worthy leader would have seen that killing one man is not a solution because it is not just Al Queda that thinks we are up to no good, its really the majority of the Arab and Muslim people. While Bush uses characterizations like those from a Cowboy and Indian movie to paint the enemies as evil and freedom hating, a sophisticated thinker would see that these people have every reason to dislike and oppose us . . . this is simply a matter of looking at the United States' history of intervention there since the beginning of the Cold War. Al Queda was formed because we put a military base in Saudi Arabia (later removed) and because we have a history of trying to force the Arab nations of the Middle East to agree to oil sales that are on our terms, not on the terms of the owners of these resources. President Bush's simple minded plan of forcing democracy on Iraq was in denial of history. This kind of psychological denial of a dark truth that clashes with his value of patriotism, is one that is pervasive among people of all nations, but people expect more from the President of the United States, and they can see that denial is a policy that makes the world less safe, not more safe. Through the thin vision of George Bush, there is no reason that premptively attacking Iraq, killing hundreds of thousands of its people, occupying the country indefinitely, and trying to squeeze them from their oil is not going to inflame the already strong Arab resentment which will, in turn, cause more terrorism against the US and the West. His ideas about what's happened in Iraq are all a function of his mentality: he sees these dangerous enemies that will flourish if we let them have even one country to reside in. But he ignores the side that doesn't speak well of his presidency and US intervention in past decades: that if we continue to do the same things that have made them hate us and if we continue to look away from it and deny it, then terrorism will succeed eventually. Bush pumps up the US military to look invincible but the truth is we can't even control one country like he wants to, none the less the whole world. He has no sense of the power of peace just his (failed) power of war: he can't face that we've done wrong to the Muslim people in the Middle East and thus can't see that reconciliation can happen if there is renunciation of our infringing on their freedom, or at least changing course. He reiterates the idea that we need to send a strong message to the terrorists by crushing them with force. But he is unable to even began to realize that when injustice is as real as it is in the Middle East that it can't be drowned out with force. George Bush's thinking lacks any common sense that would make him see that you can't win hearts and minds by dropping bombs and denying injustice. He doesn't see the irony as he tries to make peace between Israel and Palestine by asking them to be patient when they both feel their home land threatened, while when his own homeland was attacked he was up in arms before he could even find the right country to attack. The sinister reality is that much of Bush's simple mindedness may be intentional, if he is able to fool the American people that the situation is simple, then he can convince them to follow a simple solution, and our natural trust in our leaders will serve as kind of an inherent brain washing mechanism. This worked startellingly well until around 2004 or 2005, when the wisdom of the American people and the press slowly began to break through the darkness and the process of democracy began to shine through . . . almost too late. But when people realize they've been deceived and taken advantage of, they are able to wake up and see through Bush's clench on closed mindedness that he seems so proud of. ANSWERMany people find it easier to say someone is "stupid" than to argue about their policies or beliefs. When someone is calling someone else's name; whether that person is a public figure or a personal friend or family member, it is an indication that they have a strong emotional reaction to them. AnswerThe majority of Americans believe that George Bush is incompetent because he has had an abysmal second term. His first term saw many, many things accomplished, and those accomplishments are undisputed. However, in his second term, his popularity dropped due to many different issues that citizens were unahappy about. As he is the figurehead for our country, a liberally slanted media painted him as the bad guy and people, for the most part, ate it up with a spoon. Any kind of judgment we pass on George Bush's presidency will be heavily slanted either one way or the other, as we allow emotions and passion to govern our judgment rather than cold and clear retrospection. Many presidents of the past that were regarded as horrible are now being reevaluated, many years later, and I believe this will happen with George Bush as well. Until then, I would try hard to ignore the many Bush-hate sites and instead, research his presidency based on pure facts, and not conspiracy theories or slanderous remarks.
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