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They did not want to pay higher taxes to support immigrants

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10y ago

You should'nt be againt it. US citizens are against illegal Immigration.

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Q: Why do citizens born in the US want to restrict immigration?
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Some countries restrict the movement of its citizens.

What is a closed immigration policy?

A closed immigration policy is when a country doesnt allow its citizens to go to whatever country they want

What did nativists want to do?

They wanted to restrict immigration. This was done in a way that people were to be passed through check points to be checked for diseases. This was done by a government inspector to make sure they meet the legal requirements before one enters United States. These include not having been convicted of any felony, demonstration of ability to work and demonstration that they have some money.

A sentence with the word immigration?

Immigration is the process of moving from one's homeland to another place. A sentence using the word immigration is: Immigration has become an issue in the U.S. because many people want to start a new life in America, but American born citizens worry about overpopulation and diminished opportunities.

What did nativists group want to stop?

Nativist wanted to stop all Immigration to the US from Asia. They believed the Asians would take all of the jobs.

Why did populists wanted decreases in immigration?

doneC.They did not want competition for jobs.

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If you are born in Israel does that make you an Israeli citizen?

In general, Unless your parents are not citizens and don't want it, you are a citizen of the country in which you were born.

Immigration policies of the 1920s limited immigration from all which countries?

We can not answer your question because you have not said which country's immigration policies you want to know about. All countries have immigration policies!

What do Americans who are concerned about foreign control want?

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You cannot restrict Admistrators type users to change options.

I was convicted with a felony and i have probation for 3 years I am married and have a kid both citizens and i want to apply for naturalization is my record going to affect or what'sgoing tohappen to?

You REALLY need to contact an attorney who specialized in Immigration Law.