Andrew Jackson
Andrew Jackson Beard married Sarah Jane Pentecost in 1847. no he didnt he was born in 1849! get your facts right
they fought over the second bank of the united states. biddle was president of the bank and jackson didnt want it, so he vetoed the bank. this made biddle mad.
Jackson refused to obey the court's ruling
Andrew Jackson's administration supported the removal of Native Americans from the eastern states because of the land. They wanted the land and removing the Native Americans helped them to get it.
His wife died before they had kids, and he didnt remarry he just adopted
mhm, yes, yeah, yeee, duh, indeed, certainly... he did. **IMPROVED** Technically, yes, he did. Jackson claimed putting new people into government jobs furthered democracy. One of his supporters put it more selfishly when he compared the process to a conquering army right after a war. This was when the term "spoils system" was born.
No US President was born in South Carolina. the person who wrote the answer before this surely didnt do enoughresearch and is a liar...... the answer coming up is the right answer.Andrew Jackson WAS born in South Carolina.
Andrew Jackson won the most electoral votes. However, sinve no candidate had an electoral-vote majority, the House of Representatives chose the president from the first three. In a vote by states, 13 votes were cast for Adams, 7 for Jackson, and 4 for Crawford.Jackson also led in popular vote with 41.3% . Adams got 30.9%.
When Lincon died and Johnson became president. (But really the duties didnt start until Johnson was president.)
Creation of the Federal Reserve System
They adoted a four day old boy which was her mom's nephew. they didnt have any birth childern