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the Democrats were able to control the southern states

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Emmanuel Ward

Lvl 10
βˆ™ 2y ago
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Baby DuBuque

Lvl 13
βˆ™ 2y ago

the Democrats were able to control the southern states

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Lordz Svrite

Lvl 5
βˆ™ 3y ago

The democrats were able to control southern states.

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Alexandra Russel

Lvl 1
βˆ™ 3y ago
great answer, thank you
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Otis Steuber

Lvl 1
βˆ™ 3y ago
im not sure this is right

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Michaela M Witt

Lvl 6
βˆ™ 1y ago

Whites and Northerners who supported republican policies.-apex

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βˆ™ 4y ago


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Lvl 1
βˆ™ 3y ago

The democrats were able to control southern states

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Q: Why did whites in the south feel as if they have won the election of 1876 even know the new president was a republican?
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Why did whites in the south feels as if they had won the election of 1876 even though the new president was a republican?

the Democrats were able to control the southern states

Why did whites in the South feel as if they had won the election of 1876 even though the new president was a Republican?

the Democrats were able to control the southern states

Which of these best describes events surrounding South Carolina's election of 1876?

The election of 1876 in South Carolina was marked by widespread voter fraud and violence. The Republican and Democratic parties both claimed victory, leading to a political and constitutional crisis. Ultimately, a compromise was reached that allowed Republican Rutherford B. Hayes to become president in exchange for the end of Reconstruction and the withdrawal of federal troops from the South.

When did South Carolina break away?

As soon as the result of the Presidential election came in - with Lincoln as the first Republican president.

Which presidential election convinced the south to pull out of the union?

The election of November 1860, when Lincoln was elected as the first president from the Republican Party - the Democratic Party having split into two factions, North and South.

Who did South Carolina vote for in the 2004 election?

A staunchly Republican state, SC voted to re-elect President Bush in 2004.

Why did white in the south feel as if they had won the election of 1876 even though the new president was a republican?

the democrats were able to control the southern states

What happened in the election of 1877?

There was no election that year. The election was in 1876.

Who were carpetbaggers and scalawage?

Whites and Northerners who supported Republican policies in the South

Who was the republican party candidate for president in the 1856 election?

Thomas Jefferson

What was one reason the election of Abraham Lincoln as the US president further divided the North and the South?

Although before and after his election, Abraham Lincoln wanted no armed conflicts or a civil war between the North and the South. He tried his best to assure the South he would allow them slavery if they wished. based on the membership of the Republican Party, a party that was created to abolish slavery, the South believed that a Republican US president was going to harm their way of life.

What was true about president Andrew Johnson's plan for the south?

it led to conflict with Republican congress