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Q: Why did the student protesters sit outside the Democratic National Convention?
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In 1968 antiwar protesters and police clashed outside the?

Democratic National Convention in Chicago Illinois .

Why did antiwar democrats protest the convention?

Yippies carried out demonstrations in the streets outside the 1968 Democratic Convention. Chicago Police attacked them. Anti-War Protesters were trying to influence the Democratic Convention to choose a Peace Candidate to end the war in Vietnam which had escalated rapidly under LBJ.

What future news anchor was roughed up on the floor of the 1968 Democratic National Convention?

During the democratic election in chicago, riots broke outside of the convention and students who were protesting were beaten while riots were taking place inside. In this election, Hubert Humphrey, Nixon, and Wallace were running. Nixon won the election.

What happened in Chicago at the Democratic convention in 1968?

Yes. The 1968 Democratic Convention was in Chicago, Ill and it was a disaster for the Democrats. In 1968; the Rev. Martin Luther King and Senator Robert Kennedy were murdered in the spring. The Tet offensive in South Vietnam was an embarrassment for President Lydon Baines Johnson and he decided not to run again for reelection. His Vice President Hubert Humphrey looked like a wimp. There were massive demonstrations in the street, (mainly by men of draft age who might be sent to Vietnam to fight in the war), and Mayor Richard Daley's police offices used strong arm tactics which looked like a police state. The country watched it all on television with horror and shock. It was no surprise when Republican candidate Richard Nixon was elected in November. The failure of the Democrats in Chicago made them look terrible. It was probably the worst national convention of any political party in the history of the USA.

What was done to the street outside the constitutional convention to prevent noise from disturbing the delegats?

what was done tothe street outside the Constutional Convention to prevent noise from distubing the delegates

What party had almost no supporters outside of the free states?

Democratic Party

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Both. In the eye of outside world its democratic but people inside the country are still feeling autocratic govt.

Where do they have the veterens day national ceremony?

The National Veteran's Day ceremony takes place at Arlington National Cemetery, outside of Washington. DC.

What was done to the street outside the Constitutional Convention to prevent noise from disturbing the delegates?

they put up a wall

Members of the European Parliament are appointed for life?

Definitely not- they are elected by popular consent and serve a five year term of office. The European Parliament is a democratic institution- it's members are elected like in a country's national elections, not appointed by an outside body.

Do international and national have the same meaning?

No. National is within a nation. International is outside a nation.

What is ec national?

They are someone who lives outside of the UK.