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To stop the demonstrations and it worked lol

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Q: Why did the national guard use live ammo at the kent state massacre?
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Who issued live ammunition to National Guard at Kent State?

That would be the armorer. If the question was meant to be who authorized live ammo to be distributed to the troops, then that would have fallen into the State Governors decision.

Is a background check required for buying ammo for handguns in washington state?

Ammo, no. If you purchase a handgun from a dealer, a background check is required in every state, by federal law.

Ca state law hollow tipped bullets?

HP ammo is not illegal in the state of California.

What types of ammo can you not own?

Depends on where you live. Laws vary state to state, country to country.

Is jacketed hollow point ammo legal in Michigan?

As far as I know, the only state that has any regulations prohibiting hollow point ammo is New Jersey, but you should check the state statutes to be sure.

Is there a law that states ammo cannot be sold after a certain time at night?

i have never heard of such a law i have purchased ammo at anytime atleast in the state of Michigan

Can a felon own a black powder gun without ammo?

No. A felon in any state is not allowed to possess any type of gun, regardless of if it is loaded or if ammo is available.

Is 30.06 ammo headstamp FN 52 corrosive?

U.S. 30/06 ammo was corrosive up to about 1954. However the FN headstamp I believe is Frabrique national, a European brand, and may not be corrosive ????

How old do you have to be to buy ammo for a gun?

depends on the state ,most are 18 years old

What states do not allow HP ammo including retired LE?

New Jersey places severe limitations on carrying hollow point ammo. I know of no other state that is following that practice.

Is ammo legal to purchase in Washington state?

Yes. See all the deer hunters this time of year?

What does the numbers on ammo mean?

With civiian ammo, it is the caliber. Military ammo- year made, and where