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Q: Why did the Whigs win the presidential election of 1840?
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How did the whigs try to win the votes of the common people in 1840?

accusing democrats of corruption

Which development helped Abraham Lincoln win the presidential election in 1860?

The democrats split over the slavery issue and ended up running two candidates. The Whigs broke apart earlier and did not run a national candidate. Many northern Whigs joined the new Republican party and their candidate, Lincoln, won enough states to win the election despite no southern support.

Did Lincoln win Kentucky in the 1860 presidential election?

In the 1860 presidential election, Lincoln did not win in the State of Kentucky. The winner there was John Breckenridge.

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The ONLY two Federalists to win the presidential election were John Adams and of course George Washington.

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John Kennedy was the youngest to win a presidential election.

How many electoral votes were needed to become president in 1840?

In the 1840 US Presidential election, a total of 148electoral votes were required to secure election as President. The victor, Whig candidate William Harrison, was elected with 234 - a majority of 174 and 86 more than was required to win.

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Why did the whigs back William Henry Harrison for president in 1840?

the wigs saw a chance to win the the white house

Who won election of 1840?

The United States presidential election of 1840 resulted in defeat for Democrat Martin Van Buren, and a win for William H. Harrison for the Whig Party. Harrison died about a month after his inauguration.

In 1841 how many electoral votes were needed to win the presidency?

Whig Party candidate William Henry Harrison won the 1840 presidential election defeating Democratic Party incumbent President Martin Van Buren. In the 1840 presidential election there was a total of 294 electoral votes thereby requiring a majority of 148 votes to win the presidential election. William Henry Harrison received 234 electoral votes and Martin Van Buren received 60 electoral votes. The popular vote totals were Harrison 1,275,390 and Van Buren 1,128,854.

Did Donald Trump win the 2016 presidential election?

Yes, Donald Trump won the 2016 presidential election.