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SATO was formed as a counter to rising communist influence in Southeast Asia. The Strait of Malacca, between Indonesia and Malaysia, is one of the United States' most important trade routes for international commerce. If the Strait fell under communist rule, commerce for the US, Australia, Japan, and the Philipines would be threatened. This formed the basis for Eisenhower's formation of SATO.

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in an attempt to restrict communist aggression in Asian countries.

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He was committed to the struggle against communism

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Q: Why did president Eisenhower support the SEATO establishment?
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When Pakistan leave seato?

By 1972 Bhutto (president of that time) came to know that membership of SEATO was of limited value so he withdrew Pakistan from the organization and that is when Pakistan left SEATO.

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What is the SEATO Pact?

SEATO stands for South East Asia Treaty Organization. The Eisenhower administration provided South Vietnam with money and advisors to help stop the threat of a North Vietnamese takeover. The United States also was pledged by treaty (SEATO) to aid the member nations in southeast Asia, if they were attacked by a foreign (communist) power.

Why seato formed after France withdrew from Indochina in 1954?

SEATO was actually formed around that time frame, and France was part of SEATO. SEATO was dissolved in about 1977 because France and Pakistan withdrew from SEATO. SEATO was formed to protect the free nations of South East Asia "Treaty Organization" from a communist attack. France had little to nothing to do with why and when SEATO was formed; communism had something to do with it.

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What was the Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO)

What do the letters SEATO stand for?

Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO)

What is full form of SEATO?

Southeast Asia Treaty Organization(SEATO)

An Asian alliance set up by secretary dulles on the model of NATO to help support the anticommunist regime in south Vietnam?


What was Southeast Asia treaty organization (seato)?

What was the Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO)

What countries were members of NATO and seato?

is switzerland apart of nato,seato,oas,or opec

When was the seato signed?

The SEATO Treaty (South-East Asia Treaty Organisation) was signed in 1954

What does the abbreviation SEATO stands for?

South East Asian Treaty Organization. SEATO is an acronym, not an abbreviation.