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He believed is was inevitable that they would lose their land

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Q: Why did president Andrew Jackson ignore the supreme court decision make the Indians move?
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How did President Jackson respond to the Supreme Court's decision in the Indian removal act?

Jackson refused to obey the court's ruling

What was President Jackson's attitude toward the Supreme Court's decision in Worcester v Georgia?


What Supreme Court decision did president Jackson ignore?

Jackson ignored Worcester v. Georgia. This was significant because Andrew Jackson ignored the Supreme Court's decision which said that Georgia couldn't make laws that broke the terms on the authority of which the Cherokee's have the right to govern themselves on. Many people ask can he ignore the Supreme Court? Or, Why didn't the Supreme Court do anything about it? And do you know what I would say. idk. :)

What role did president Jackson play during the trail of tears?

President Andrew Jackson was the official who approved of the Indian Removal Act of 1830. There were five major tribes: the Cherokee, Choctaw, Chickasaw, Creek, and Seminole. The Cherokee challenged the Indian Removal Act in the courts of the United States. It made its way up to the Supreme Court where it went under the supervision of John Marshall. He ruled the favor to the Cherokee. Note the Supreme Court could make the ruling but cannot enforce it, only the executive branch (the president) has the power to do so. The president at that time, Andrew Jackson ignored the decision of the Supreme Court and stilled removed the Indians from their land.

Which president defied Supreme Court?

President Jackson

How did President Jackson respond to the supreme court's ruling in worcester v Georgia that Georgia had no right to interfere with cherokee?

In response to the Supreme Court's ruling in Worcester v Georgia that Georgia had no right to interfere with the Cherokee, President Jackson disregarded the decision and removal of the Cherokee proceeded as planned.

Can a us president overturn a supreme court amendment?

A U. S. president cannot reverse a U. S. Supreme Court decision or the decision of the Supreme Court of any state or territory.

Which president was most committed to moving Native Americans to the west of the Mississippi?

Andrew Jackson!!! He hated the Indians and agreed with the Supreme Court to get them out....keep moving west of the Mississippi!

Who was appointed to supreme court by Jackson he wrote the Dred Scott decision?


Are the supreme court decions only overturned by the president?

The president does not have any power over the decisions of the Supreme Court. Only the Supreme Court itself can overturn a supreme court decision.

Why was US President Andrew Jackson a controversial president?

President Andrew Jackson was seen as a controversial president because he was a biased person. According to Norton, Jackson ignored the Supreme Court's ruling on Cherokee rights and fail to deal with his cabinet. He did this by removing experienced officeholders and replaced them with his own political followers. He also made the controversial decision to withdraw US funds from the US Bank.

How did Andrew Jackson's presidency affect Native Americans?

As young man, Jackson lived in western Tennessee, an area in which there was constant conflict with the Indians. Later, he commanded an army which fought wars against Indian tribes. Thus he tended to look on Indians as an enemy of the government. When he became President, he sided against the Indians despite a supreme court decision. Later he helped plan what he thought was a solution- namely to move the Indians in the Southern US to an area across the Mississippi River. Unfortunately, the Indians were forced to walk there and many died.